XXXII° Congresso Internazionale delle Scienze Genealogiche ed Araldiche

Il prossimo 9 agosto si aprirà la 32^ edizione del “International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences”, che quest’anno si svolgerà in Scozia, a Glasgow, e che avrà come tema: “Origini ed evoluzioni”.

Il simposio che vedrà la partecipazione di molti dei più stimati enti internazionali di araldica e genealogia e dei più noti nomi degli studiosi che si occupano di queste discipline e si svolgerà sotto l’egida della Confederazione Intenazionale di Genealogia ed Araldica (C.I.G.H.), dell’Accademia Internazionale di Araldica (A.I.H.), dell’Accademia Internazionale di Genealogia (I.A.G.), della Società Araldica di Scozia, della Court of the Lord Lyon King of Arms, della Società Araldica, della Federazione delle Associazioni di Famiglie Storiche, della Società degli Armigeri di Scozia, della Società Genealogica Scozzese, del Collegio d’Armi, della Società di Genealogia, dell’Associazione Scozzese delle Associazioni di Famiglie Storiche, del Registro Araldico.

Il programma dell’evento prevede:

Tues 9 August 2016
Evening A get-together for those who arrive on this day

Wednesday 10 August 2016
Morning Registration and Lectures
Afternoon Lectures followed by Plenary Opening Session and address by the Very Revd Professor Iain Torrance, Dean of the Thistle and of the Chapel Royal, and Pro-Chancellor of Aberdeen University Evening Civic Reception in City Chambers, followed by Ceilidh

Thursday 11 August 2016
Daytime Lectures
Lunchtime Bureau permanent
Evening Meetings of AIH and AIG
Quiet evening for private dinner arrangements

Friday 12 August 2016
Daytime Lectures
Lunchtime Meeting ICOC
At 1550 Meeting CIGH
Evening Banquet

Saturday 13 August 2016
Visits to places of heraldic, architectural and cultural interest

Sunday 14 August to Tuesday 16 August 2016
Heraldic Tour of the West and Central area

Durante i lavori saranno presentati i contributi di molti studiosi noti, quali:
[England], AILES, ADRIAN, Origins of heraldic visitations from before 1530 and the subsequent evolution, H
[Denmark], ANDERSON, RONNY, Origin and evolution of the arms of Peter Schumacher Griffenfeld – a case study, H
[Bulgaria], ANTONOV, STOYAN, The system of personal arms of the Bulgarian Royal House, the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha dynasty, H
[Sweden], ÅSKLUND, HENRIC, The register of burgher arms of the Swedish National Heraldry Of¿ ce 1934-1936 and the successors it insprired, H
[England], BAKER, RICHARD, The Cutt Memorial at Swavesey, Cambridgeshire, H
[Denmark], BARTHOLDY, NILS, The semantic evolution of the Danish Royal coat of arms, H
[USA], COMBS-BENNETT, SHANNON, Westward Ho! Following a family migration across America, G
[Sweden], BERNTSEN, CLAUS, Origin and Evolution of ecclesiastical heraldry in Sweden, H
[Canada], BOUDREAU, CLAIRE and KENNEDY, DARRELL, Building the Canadian system from there to here and to … where?, H
[Canada], BOULTON, D’ARCY, The Evolution of the Practice of Marshalling Arms among the Companions of the Order of the Garter, 1348-1562, H
[Spain], CASTAÑEDA-GARCÍA, PEDRO, The Brito family: from the medieval royal courts to a modern democracy in the Canarian island of La Palma, G
[Finland], CHRISTIERSON, CARL-THOMAS VON, The funeral escutcheons with ancestral arms in Finland, H
[Scotland], CLEARY, JOHN, What became of the Dunbar prisoners – the use of DNA testing to investigage the early modern genealogical origins of living people, G
[England], COLLINS, AUDREY, A Scottish farmer’s ride through England: the diary of Andrew Blaikie 1804, G
[Romania], DIACONU, ANA-FELICIA, Continuity and Innovation in the Romanian civic heraldry over the centuries, H
[Belgium], DUERLOO, LUC, A New Roar for an old Lion – recent developments in Flemish heraldry, H
[England], FOX, PAUL, From original sin to pagan symbol: the iconography of the snake in art and its adoption as an heraldic device, H
[Austria], GÖBL, MICHAEL, Die Herolde im Heiligen Römanichen Reich vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1806, H
[England], GOUCHER, JULIE, The evolution of a One-Name study or surname research, G
[England], GRAY, ANDREW, British funeral heraldry – import, native style or hybrid?, H
[Scotland], HOLTON, GRAHAM and MACDONALD, ALASTAIR, DNA testing as a genealogical tool: past, present and future, G
[Spain], HOVIOUS, MATTHEW, DNA and documents in a 19th century Kentucky genealogy, G
[Macedonia], JONOVSKI, JOVAN, The sun in Macedonian civic heraldry, H
[Germany], KECH, CLEMENS, Der Siegeszug der Allgemeinen Deutchen Wappenrolle in Deutschland, H
[Sweden], KLACKENBERG, HENRIK, The way of the grif¿ n: from duke of Pomerania to Swedish truck, H
[Croatia], KOýEVAR, SANDA, Reconnecting the broken family tree: the TĦrk family case, G
[Denmark], KURRILD-KLITGAARD, PETER, From Norse gods to Scots clan chiefs: second thoughts on Moncreiffe’s theory of the origin of ‘The Galley of the Isles’, H
[France], LE CLERCQ, PIERRE, Du médecin René Martineau à la chanteuse France Gall : quatre siècles d’évolution, G
[Italy], LEMBO, ALBERTO, Pourquoi le crancelin dans les armoiries de la family da Porto de Vicence?, H
[Mexico], LOPEZ-PORTILLO Y LANCASTER-JONES, RODRIGO, Mexico’s presence in the coat of arms of the 1st Viscount Cowdray, the engineer of the empire, H
[Scotland], MCCABE, TAHITIA, Identifying Americans resident in Scotland during the 19th century: the evolution of a research project, G
[Scotland], MACDONALD, IAN, 500 years – total family history. A study of the Mewburn family, G
[USA], MCMILLAN, JOSEPH, From personal to provincial arms: heraldry and colonial identity in British North America, H
[Belgium], MELEBECK, CHARLES, Symbolism in commoners’ arms in XXth century Belgium: a window on the evolution of mentalities since the beginnings of of¿ cious registration until today, H
[Sweden], MÖRNER, GÖRAN, Swedo-Scottish families and their heraldic links over the centuries, H
[France], POPOFF, MICHEL, Héraldique d’État et héraldique territoriale: origines et évolution – le cas de la Russie et de la Biélorussie, H
[Canada], SABOURIN, CATHY, Origin and Evolution of fabulous beasts in Canadian heraldry, H
[Portugal], SANTOS, MARTA GOMES DOS, The origins and evolution of civic heraldry in medieval Portugal, H
[Sweden], SUNNQVIST, MARTIN, Coats of arms of Royal Swedish dukes 1500 – 2015, H
[Germany], SUTTER, ROLF, Springtime of heraldry – Wolfram von Eschenbach and his work Parzifal 1190-1220 – the roots of heraldry today, H
[England], SWANSON, JENNY, The 1841 ¿ shermen of Pittenweem, Fife: did they follow ancestors into an hereditary occupation?, G
[Romania], SZEKERES, ATTILA ISTVÁN, The evolution of the Szekler community’s coat of arms from the origins until it became the symbol of the Romanian largest miniroty, the Hungarian community’s autonomy movement, H
[France], TEILLARD D’EYRY, MICHEL, Une famille transocéanique France, Royaume Uni, Amérique vers 1540 – 2016 – les Bacot, G
[Belgium], THIRY, STEVEN, From lineage to sovereignty? Mary Stuart’s armorial claim to the English throne in the ‘War of the Insignia’ 1559-1561, H
[Canada], TREMBLAY, MARC, Origines et évolution des patronymes au Québec depuis le 17e siècle, G
[Italy], VANESIO, VALERIA, Proofs of nobility of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, G
[France], VERNOT, NICOLAS, Heraldry and magic: the issue of apotropaic and propiatory functions of coats of arms, H
[Canada], WATT, ROBERT, Watts and the oak tree: the origin and evolution of the arms of Scottish Watts, H
[Poland], ĩUREK, ADAM, Der Ursprung und die Entwicklung der Wappen der Bischöfe, Diözesen und Domkapital der Kirchenprovinsen Gnesen und Lemberg bis zum Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, H

H = Heraldic G = Genealogical

Per Approfondire: XXXII International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences

Articoli correlati: Bulletin d’information n° 21


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6 Agosto 2016

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